Big Game Club

Your Big Game Committee Members
Here are the committee members and their respective areas of service:
Pictured above (left to right) are: Chriss Bowles, CBH President; J Barr, Small Game Chairman: Gary and Sandy McCain, Brad Grap, Art Cain (Past Records Chairman) Joe Wylie, Legislative Representative; Rodney York, CBH 2nd V.P. of Hunting and Lawren Wylie, Social Media Consultant. Other members of your committee not pictured are: Mark Sasser Big Game Records Chairman, Steve Walters

Picture of the Week


About the CBH-SAA Big Game Club

In 1962, and still today, the purpose of the Big Game Records Club was to provide a fair and complete records system for big game animals taken by bowhunters within the state boundaries of California, and to provide a system of goals by which bowhunters throughout the state may set their own standards….

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Submit Your Animal

Animals may be submitted for Record Book entry if they meet or exceed the listed minimum score, or for Species Credit if they fail to meet the record book minimum. At the present time we are accepting record book entry applications for the following species with minimum scores…

Submit Your Big Game

Submit Your Small Game